Dynamic QR Code plugin for Wordpress

search for answers or browse pages


QR-Code Edit

This page allows to create/modify/delete a QR-Code.


Required field

Available in the PRO version only

Available in the pro version only.


(Short) QR-Code denomination, for administration purpose.

Think of something mnemonic a/o explanatory.


A character sequence, used by the plugin to build the QR-Code URL.

For the sake of clarity, use letters and/or numbers, avoiding punctuation marks, accented/special characters and whitespaces.

Redirect URL

URL users will be redirected to. It can be a page/article of the WP website or a custom URL.

Social apps

Pages, profiles , groups or channels of some social platforms can be opened directly by the social apps (if installed in the user mobile device) instead of by the mobile browser.

Currently the plugin supports:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • WhatsApp
  • YouTube

N.B. the ID/username of the page/profile/group/etc. is requested.

Active from date

Date from which the validity of the QR-Code begins. Before that the QR-Code is inactive.

Active to date

Date after which the validity of the QR-Code ends, becoming expired.

Active from time

Time (hour/minute) from which the validity of the QR-Code begins. Before that the QR-Code is inactive.

Active to time

Time (hour/minute) after which the validity of the QR-Code ends, becoming expired.

Only date or only time

By setting only the date, the time is set as follows:
From date field: from h. 12:00:00 am (h. 00:00:00 – midnight)
To date field: up to h. 11:59:59 pm (h. 23:59:59)

By setting only the time, every day is considered valid.

What date and time ?

The date and time values must refer to those of the web server where the plugin is installed.

If you're not aware of them, the Settings page of the plugin dashboard shows the current web server date and time.

URL before date/time activation

URL users will be redirected to when the QR-Code is inactive.

URL after date/time expiration

URL users will be redirected to when the QR-Code is expired.

Enabled only on
Day of the week on which the QR-Code is active.
Device operating system

Select the operating system which the QR-Code is enabled for.

Device language

Select the language which the QR-Code is enabled for.

Priority over other QR-Codes with the same key: in the case of equivalent situations, the priority determines the choice.
Max total scans

Maximum number of total scans possible.

Total numbers and unique keys

The total number of scans is counted differently depending on whether the Disable unique keys option in the Settings is checked or not.

In fact, if the option is enabled, the value is calculated by summing the scans of all the QR-Codes that share the same key.

URL for total scans limit
URL users will be redirected to after the maximum total number of scans has been reached.
QR image foreground color

Foreground color of the QR code image.

It overrides the value of the Settings.

QR image background color

Background color of the QR code image.

It overrides the value of the Settings.

Only MyFast APP

Enables the QR code image scanning only to mobile applications created with the MyFast APP plugin for WordPress.

This field is visible only if the Enable My FastAPP options checkbox is selected in the Settings page. 


The QR-Code is not enabled to redirect users.

Shortcode for content hiding

Example of a shortcode to be inserted in a post/page to show a specific content only to users who scanned the QR code image.

Shortcode usage

The shortcode is taken into account only in case users scan the enhanced version of the QR code image, unless the Enable content hiding with standard QR code images option (Settings page of the plugin dashboard) is checked.


Exclusive identifier (automatically created) of the QR-Code.
It's useful to distinguish logs of different QR-Codes having the same key.

This field is visible only if the Disable unique keys checkbox is selected in the Settings page. 


URL automatically generated: it represents the code to be embedded in the QR code image (standard or enhanced).

URL for unauthorized access

The URL users will be redirected to if trying to access a "protected" post directly (i.e. by inserting the post URL in the browser) instead of scanning the qr code image.

It is taken into account uniquely in case the post access is authorized only if users scan a QR code image (see this example).

Form hidden field

HTML code of a hidden input control.

It's used when the Form check mode option of Settings is "request method and custom field in form": if a post/page contains a form and the access is allowed only by scanning a QR code image, then this hidden field has to be added to the form in order to make its submit work. The same procedure is required if the form is inside a hidden content enclosed in a [dynqrcode] shortcode.

Shortcode for image displaying

Example of a shortcode to be inserted in a post/page to display a QR code image.


delete the QR-Code from the database

reset the data form to create a new QR-Code

insert or update the QR-Code data in the database

save the current QR-Code as a new element (duplicate)


Deleting a QR-Code does not erase any logs associated with it, which remain in the database in the so-called orphan state.
It's therefore recommended to eliminate a QR-Code only if it has not been scanned by users (but in test mode), otherwise preferring the option of disabling it.


As soon as a QR code has been saved in the database, a standard image of the QR code is automatically generated.

dynamic qr code generator

 You can download the image by clicking on it.

Alternative creation of images

If you wish, you can use any equivalent image created by a third party tool embedding the QR-URL.

Clicking on the enhanced QR code tab it’s possible to create an enhanced version of the QR code image.

The enhanced image embeds a more complex code and can be changed without having to modify the QR-Code key.

Buttons for the enhanced QR code image

erase the enhanced QR code image

create a new enhanced QR code image

save or update the QR-Code data (like the other save button)


Scan the image with a mobile device to test the QR-Code you're editing.

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