Dynamic QR Code plugin for Wordpress

search for answers or browse pages


Easter's menu: not the usual Sunday


You want to differentiate the Easter menu from the one proposed for all other Sundays in your restaurant.

The Easter menu appears in a different URL than other Sundays, so you need to create and print another QR code to replace the usual one on Easter Sunday.


You need to create a QR-Code with the same key as the one you used for the Menu of the day.

dynamic qr code generator

Click on the QR-Codes menu voice of the plugin

Click the button to open a new empty QR-Code

Insert the mandatory fields:

  • Description: enter an explanatory/mnemonic name for the QR-Code
  • Key: digit the same key used to create the menu of the day
  • Redirect URL: select or write the URL of the web page with the Easter menu
dynamic qr code generator

Define the activation time interval and enable the priority:

  • Active from date: Easter date
  • Active to date: Easter date
  • Priority: activate the check box
dynamic qr code generator

The priority ensures that on the set date (Easter) this QR-Code's URL will be chosen instead of the one set for every Sunday, all conditions being equal (i.e. same key and current day of the week).

Click the button to save the QR-Code in the database

This way...

users will be redirected to the Easter page, on the set day, instead of the normal Sunday page.

QR code image

The image of the QR-Code is the same because the key used is the same.


As in this particular scenario, the activation date could depend on the year, and in that case it will have to be set from time to time.

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