Dynamic QR Code plugin for Wordpress

search for answers or browse pages


Pharmacy in duty: the redirect URL changes


You want to include in a QR code a link to the info web page of the pharmacy in duty in your town.

The pharmacy changes at every shift, and you do not want to rebuild, reprint and redistribute the QR code every time.


dynamic qr code generator

Click on the QR-Codes menu voice of the plugin

Click the button to open a new empty QR-Code

Insert the mandatory fields:

  • Description: enter an explanatory mnemonic name for the QR-Code
  • Key: digit a sequence of characters
  • Redirect URL: select or write the URL of the web page of the pharmacy currently in duty
dynamic qr code generator

Click the button to save the QR-Code in the database

Whenever the pharmacy on duty changes...

simply vary the Redirect URL to modify the web page displayed when users scan the QR code.

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