Dynamic QR Code plugin for Wordpress

search for answers or browse pages


QR-Code List

All QR-Codes present in the database are listed in this page.

List filter

The list can be filtered by:

  • Enablement
    • any item
    • only enabled items
    • only disabled items

List data

Table columns:

  • QR-URL (click the icon to copy the URL to the clipboard)
  • Description
  • Key
  • Q-ID: exclusive identifier for different QR-Codes when keys are not unique 
  • State: enabled or disabled
  • Creation: date and time of the QR-Code creation

QR-ID column is visible only if the Disable unique keys option is activated in Settings page.


searches for the QR-Codes stored in the database

creates a new empty QR-Code

manages a specific QR-Code

Table of Contents