Dynamic QR Code plugin for Wordpress

search for answers or browse pages


Random redirect


You want users who scan the QR code to be redirected to a URL chosen at random from some.

With a static QR code you have to implement an HTTP redirect system on your web server.
If you are a programmer, that’s not a problem. If not, here it is a simple solution.


The strategy involves creating multiple QR codes with the exact same key and different redirect URLs.

So you will have to repeat the same procedure as many times as the different URLs you want to have.

start of procedure »
dynamic qr code generator

Click on the QR-Codes menu voice of the plugin

Click the button to open a new empty QR-Code

Insert the mandatory fields:

  • Description: enter an explanatory mnemonic name for the QR-Code
  • Key: digit a sequence of characters (always the same for all the QR-Codes)
  • Redirect URL: select or write a URL
dynamic qr code generator

Click the button to save the QR-Code in the database

« end of procedure

Repeat the procedure as many times as you need for your aim.

This way...

users will be redirected to a page randomly chosen among some.

QR code image

The image of all the QR-Codes is the same because the key used is the very same.


This solution requires enabling the Disable unique keys option on the Settings page of the plugin dashboard.

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