Dynamic QR Code plugin for Wordpress

search for answers or browse pages

Work in progress

Attention: this page is currently under construction.

Scan Statistics

It displays some statistics of the scan logs.
Statistics are available in the pro version only.


Filtering option

• QR-Code

The statistical data refer to a single QR-Code.

• Key

The statistical data refer to a single key, regardless of whether associated with one or more QR-Codes.

From date

Start datetime, from h. 12:00:00 am (h. 00:00:00 – midnight)

To date

End datetime, up to h. 11:59:59 pm (h. 23:59:59)

Log status

State of the scan response.

Operating system

Operating system of the users' device that scanned the qr code(s).

Device type

Type (mobile or not) of the users' device that scanned the qr code(s).


List of the statistics

  • Scan distribution by
    • day
    • day/hour
  • Scans grouped by
    • day of the week
    • hour of the day
    • type of device
    • device operative system
    • user Country
    • user language
    • log status

The available types of chart are:

  • bar chart
  • pie chart



Activate download

Check this option to display a link to download the statistical data in CSV format.


generate the stats

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