Dynamic QR Code plugin for Wordpress

search for answers or browse pages



This page configures common parameters and behaviour of the plugin.


Required fields are characterized by an exclamation mark icon.

Read-only fields are characterized by a lock icon.

Available in the PRO version only.

Redirect URL for disabled/invalid keys

URL which users are redirected to when the key is invalid or the QR-Code is disabled.

Redirect URL for inactive keys

URL which users are redirected to before the start date validity of the QR-Codes.

If left blank, the redirect URL for disabled/invalid keys will be used.

Redirect URL for expired keys

URL which users are redirected to after the end date validity of the QR-Codes.

If left blank, the redirect URL for disabled/invalid keys will be used.

Redirect URL for finished keys

URL which users are redirected to when the maximum total number of scans of a QR-Code has been exceeded.

If left blank, the redirect URL for disabled/invalid keys will be used.

Enable requests from any type of device

Generally users scan QR codes using mobile devices, so this plugin does not accept requests from other types of devices. 

If you need to call the QR-URLs from any type of device (e.g. for testing purpose), activate the check box.

QR image size

Pixel size of the side of the automatically generated square image(s) on the Edit QR Code page.

Maximum value: 2048

QR image border

Pixel width of the border of the  image(s) on the Edit QR Code page.

Maximum value: 32

Size and border

The border width does not affect the image size, but it reduces the available space for the qr code.

For instance, if the image size is 256 pixels and the border is 5 pixels, the qr code area is 246x246 pixels.

QR image foreground color

Foreground color of the QR code image.

Black is the default color.

QR image background color

Background color of the QR code image.

White is the default color.

Disable unique keys

Generally the keys of the various QR-Codes must be unique (i.e. different from each other) to ensure correct redirection.

However, to obtain that the same QR code can redirect to different URLs under different conditions (e.g. day of the week) it is necessary to create multiple QR-Codes with the same identical key, so that the generated image is the same.

Example: Menu of the day

Enable content hiding with standard QR code image

By default, content hiding is only possible using the enhanced version of the QR code image.

Checking this option enables this feature with the standard QR code images too.

Form check mode

It defines how the page reload request is checked when the hidden content contains a form.

The options are:

1. only request method
checks if data have been posted

2. request method and referer
checks if data have been posted from the same post/page

3. request method and custom field in form
checks if data have been posted and contain a custom field

Enhanced image URL length

It's the total number of characters of the (full) URL that is embedded in the enhanced version of the QR code image: the higher the value, the longer the code generated automatically.

Enable Country detection

The plugin attempts to locate the Country where scans are performed using an external platform of geolocalization (IPinfo).

Detection precision depends on users geographic location.

IPinfo API token

A token is required to exceed the monthly requests limits imposed by the IPinfo platform.

Please check the IPinfo web site for information and details on how to obtain an API token.

Enable random querystring

Check it to automatically add a random key-value couple to the Redirect-URL query string.

It could help to prevent users to be redirected to cached pages.

Disable logs in database

Check it to prevent scans be memorized in the database.

Enable My FastAPP options

Enables features available if users scan the QR code image with an app created with the My FastAPP plugin for WordPress.

Details here.

URL for MyFast APP

Automatically generated URL  to be inserted in the My FastAPP plugin dashboard.

Server date/time

Date and time of the web server where this plugin is installed.

Table of Contents