Dynamic QR Code plugin for Wordpress

search for answers or browse pages


Standard vs enhanced image

The image of the QR code comes in two flavors.


It’s automatically created as soon as a QR-Code is saved.

The image embeds the standard URL, which contains the key of the QR-Code, a parameter that should not change: in fact, changing the key will inevitably modify the QR code image and the value stored in the key column of the logs.


It can be created manually, by clicking a designated button in the QR-Code Editing page, or automatically, by using the image displaying shortcode.

The image embeds a complex (i.e. not easy to read by humans) URL and, contrary to the standard image, it can be regenerated without modifying the key of the QR-Code.

It can be particularly useful when you need to change the QR code image frequently and/or to prevent people to exchange the QR-Code URL each other too easily (e.g. in case of content hiding).


Read here if you need to change frequently the QR code image.

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